
· Astrology

Number 183 JULY 2014

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Hi Kozmik News subscriber

Mercury, closest planet to the mighty Sun, has the most influence on our mental outlook and processing of information. Hence it affects our everyday activities and transactions, as well as travel, contracts and correspondence.

So if you have been wondering why June appeared so chaotic in the bewildering series of delays and garbled messages you received, you need look no further for the culprit, Mercury retrograde was in effect all month but the beginning of July brings this period of confusion to an end.

Indeed,a link from powerful Mars in Libra propels your thinking and thoughts to a more dynamic plane, you are able to quickly get to an understanding of any problem you set your mind to, while the solution is likely to appear just as suddenly.

Things begin to become clearer. you can see your way ahead, booking vacations and journeys is now possible without the risks of delays
and unexpected complications.

So July is a time for getting back on track, especially as Saturn, master of time and destiny, also returns to direct motion on July 22.

This bodes well for an improvement in the economy and for constructive reform.

Apparently insoluble problems begin to look not as daunting or impossible as we approach high summer at the month’s end.

It is now possible to come up with appropriate restructuring that will set you on a more positive course in the months ahead.

Speak to you next month

Dave Ryan
Your online astrologer

Star sign forecasts

Mercury, ruler of mental processes and everyday business, returns to direct motion after a 25 day period of being retrograde, or weak and subject to confusion.

Mars adds dynamism and self confidence to your mental outlook as you begin to clear up all the loose ends that have accumulated in this retro period.

ARIES March 21- April 20

Your mental powers are now returning to optimal functioning so that you know instinctively what to do when confronted by challenging events or difficult people, you can afford now to go with your gut reaction to what is best for you do.

TAURUS April 21-May 21

With Mercury now returned to full power in your chart you are able to get to grips with all the unresolved questions to do with finances and business plans that have accumulated recently, it is a good time to get up to date on your work schedules.

GEMINI May 22-June 21

Your ruler Mercury has now turned direct freeing up your mental processes to achieve optimal functioning, you are able to communicate clearly and effectively with just about everyone you deal with while in romance you are convincingly passionate and sincere in your words.

CANCER June 22-July 22

With Mercury now turned direct you are able to begin to clear up all the confusions and vague fears that have been troubling you over the last few weeks, you can put these into perspective and begin to build a better base from which to operate, making repairs and additions.

LEO July 23-Aug 22

As Mercury turns direct after a 25 day period of confusion you are able to learn what is really going on in your world thanks to the information that youngsters and trusted friends put your way, you could find solutions to problems that have been bugging you as a result.

VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 23

Mercury turns direct and puts you up in front of people in your work role where you are listened to and believed, it is a good time to make any kind of pitch or recommendation while you are highly energetic in promoting your plans, this makes you especially convincing.

LIBRA Sept 24-Oct 23

Mercury turns direct and your thoughts turn to travel, widening your horizon and exploring new subjects and meeting new people, all of which helps to boost your mental energy levels along with your physical energy levels as normal service is resumed.

SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov 22.

Mercury turns direct and you are now able to sharpen your mental powers and see very clearly what needs to be done, joint endeavors go well, you could find long delayed payments owing to you from taxes, insurances, commissions and the like are now in prospect.


Mercury turns direct and you are able to get communications going again with long term partners after a frustrating period of confusion and misunderstanding, you are much more sociable and eager to participate in mutually beneficial projects.

CAPRICORN Dec 23- Jan 20

Mercury turns direct and you can begin to clear up the backlog that has built up in the workplace as you make your priorities and action them, you are able to make a big impact through the bold plans that you put into effect.

AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 18

With Mercury now turned direct after a period of some delays and confusions over communications and everyday business, you are able to establish an excellent rapport with loved ones and come to a better understanding thanks to the misunderstandings being cleared up.

PISCES Feb 19-March 20

Mercury turns direct and ends a period of nearly a month when confusion has reigned especially over how you divide your time between work and leisure, it is now possible to restore the balance as you begin to pursue your heart’s desires wherever they may take you. 
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