The horoscope of Barack Obama

An extract from Kozmik Horoscopes newsletter for July



With a new confirmed time of birth posted on his offical website
it is possible to draw up a horoscope chart for Barack Obama
with more confidence in its findings.

Astrology reveals new insights into the character and destiny
of the Democratic candidate.

A few more clues to the direction the USA will be taking after the
general election of November 4 emerged over the last month.

The first was the very auspicious and bountiful new moon that occurred
right next to America’s birthday on July 4.

If there was any doubt that a whole new chapter in the history of the
Republic is about to begin, then this new moon very clearly states it.

It is all change, renewal, the beginning of a completely different
personality being shown to the world by the USA.

Nations, cities and places have horoscopes just like people. And the
chart for the USA predicts a coming healing charismatic leader. That
much is clear. Who will it be? Too early to say just now. It looks like
it is going to go right to the wire.

Senator Barack Obama has put up a confirmation of his birthtime on his
website where his birth certificate is displayed, which helps to resolve
the discussion in the astrological community about what his moon sign
and rising sign actually are.

Answer, he is a Leo Sun, Gemini Moon and has Aquarius Rising. This is
the mark of a born communicator, while Aquarius very much fits the
profile of the USA itself that has a very prominent Uranus in its chart,
the planet of revolution, scientific progress, the rise of the common
man and democracy.

Uranus is the guardian and forerunner of the Enlightenment, a concept
that may seem strange in the early 21st Century but was very prevalent
at the time of the founding of independent United States of America in
July 1776.

From now on such ideas will again gain currency as a new dispensation
and approach is shaped for the coming century.

You can see the new chart reading for Barack Obama at

For John McCain’s chart see

These charts reveal the lifetime influences for both men, how the events
of the next four months will impact on them and hence on the world at
large is revealed by the transits of the planets.

Intepreting this is a delicate balancing act, as it involves working out
how the present day cosmic energies impact on the pattern set up in each
chart at the every moment they took their birth on planet Earth.

We are all children of our time and place, and this includes the
politicians who attempt to negotiate the hazards of evolutionary forces
at work in the world.

In the meantime, before the campaign becomes all consuming come the
end of summer, it is time to relax, unwind, enjoy the entry of fun
loving Venus into hot hot hot Leo from July 12 till the end of the

This is a good time girl who knows how to let her hair down. It’s time
to play and enjoy, she advises. Have a great summer.

Speak to you next month

Dave Ryan
Your online astrologer

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